Friday, September 23, 2011

Working on the Angel on the left side of the painting

I am using slow drying oil, and I can now correct the drawing and add details to a face that really looks ugly at its earliest stage. The reason it looked that way to begin with was because I always start to "fill" the canvas, with no attention to detail, in order to have an overall idea of what the painting is going to look like.

Some people have told me that the painting was great, because they saw it as a whole that looked finished to them (or just wanted to be nice with me..). My answer was to ask them to focus on details, taking 10 square inch surface at a time. Now focusing on a single face like the Angel located on the left side of the canvas, I told them that I would not buy that angel face at this obviously unfinished stage. I worked a couple hours on Thursday, improving the drawing, shadows and smooth edge transitions. The result is much better, but I still need to work on the hairs, the eyes and add some skin light reflections to bring that angel to life..

In the end it will not look like a real baby face, simply because it will need to respect Rubens' style. In the 17th century there is really no masterpiece that I know of, that is able to show a baby face that looked real. Now that said I would still like to improve this face but again, I will need a better picture of the original painting with recognizable details. If not I will have to improvise.

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